I knew some people that had been going to the gym and they told me how much they liked it. They kept asking me to come try it out, so I figured I would go once to check it out.
My very first impression was HOLY CRAP!!! How am I going to be able to do these things!! I was amazed at the abilities of others I saw at my first class and also how everyone was at different stages of their progress.
My personal Bright Spot would be doing the Half Murph this year considering that I started attending classes in March and I thought there was no way I would be able to complete it. I just told myself I would give it my best and just try. I amazed myself at what my body and mind was able to accomplish! I finished in 36 min 25 sec!
My current goals going forward are to just keep pushing myself and continue improving each and every class. If anyone knows me, you know that I despise running but I’m getting better. Little by little I run farther each time.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to not doubt myself and to believe that I can accomplish great things in class. Power of positive thinking!
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