
⭐️Outside the Box w/Mariah Knepper⭐️

Q: What’s your favorite moment since joining CrossFit Revival? 

A: There have been so many good moments that have happened since joining CrossFit Revival. I would have to say that my favorite moment would be completing the Athlete Camp at CrossFit Revival it was challenging but so rewarding I definitely went home with a new perspective on my health and fitness journey! Another close contender would be having my Dad join CrossFit Revival it’s really cool working out together and seeing how it’s changing both of our lives! I also can’t forget completing a half Murph in the first month of joining CrossFit Revival! 

Q: First impressions of CrossFit Revival? 

A: My first impression is one that is hard to describe. I truly walked in not knowing what to expect other than seeing and reading a couple of things about CrossFit and thinking that it would be something I could never do. I told myself that all I had to do was show up to the bring a friend class and see what it was all about and then I could cross it off my bucket list and move on. Let me just say that the support and encouragement I felt by not only Coach Justin but each member on my first day was so refreshing and truly made me feel welcomed. I left that class and I couldn’t stop talking about how completing that class made me feel so much better about myself and it made me excited to start into my health and fitness journey. CrossFit Revival is truly a community of people who want to see you succeed from the coaches to the members. It is a great support system and really helps to hold me accountable! The scaling options are almost endless for each workout, the coaches are knowledgeable and their focus is on form and technique and keeping you healthy! It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey there really is a place for each person who walks through the door!

Q: What are your current goals? 

A: My current goals are to be able to run an entire 5K. Get my first ever pull up. Continue to show up for myself to see what I am truly capable of and learn to give myself grace! 

Q: What keep you coming back to CrossFit Revival? 

A: No other fitness program has ever given me the motivation to push myself to be the best that I can be. I know everyone stresses the community but they aren’t wrong even on my worst days there are members cheering me on when I want to give up; and the coaches are always checking in to see how things are going whether it’s in the gym or home life. I have made so much progress in the four months since joining that it makes me want to come back just to see what else I can accomplish. CrossFit Revival has truly changed my life and I will be forever grateful for walking through those doors!

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