
Alone with your thoughts

The most important conversations you will ever have are the conversations with yourself…

As I get older and experience more in my life, I try to make changes in myself. I try to make changes in my thoughts, my words, my actions. We all make mistakes but do we all sit and ask why??

Above you will see a picture I have saved that literally has changed the person I am today. At one point in time, this was saved as the background on my phone. Another failed attempt after days, weeks, & months of preparation….

Recently I fell short of another goal. Last year, I had placed 3rd at The Masters Fitness Collective in the Mens 35-39 Rx Division. Hands down biggest competition I have ever qualified for and my biggest achievement since beginning CrossFit. This year I didn’t even make it through the qualifier. So I did something that has helped me get much better since then. I simply asked myself why?

Now this can go 1 of 2 ways for most people…

1) Some people will just say, “Im not good enough” or something similar and move on.

2) Some people will ask “WHY?” and “what can I do to change this outcome?”

The younger me was #1 and didn’t give it much thought. But not anymore, Im #2, Im older, wiser, I will tell you that Im better looking lol….

I just kept asking myself “WHY?” and I found what I was looking for. I started doing this in all aspects of life and it has really helped me grow all around in everything. So let’s use this example above and see how it has helped me. If I just told myself Im not good enough it obviously does nothing for my confidence or for that fact helps me change the outcome. But here is exactly how it helped me:

Why did I not Qualify this year?

-I did not train nearly as hard in the past year as before.

Why did I not train as hard?

-Well after last years event I had stem cells in my left shoulder that caused me to drastically change my training since there was a period of time that I couldn’t even lift my arm over my head.

Why did I get stem cells?

-I had been dealing with a torn labrum and bicep for nearly 8 years that I wanted to get fixed.

Why did I want to get this fixed?

-I felt like it was holding me back from accomplishing the biggest goals I have set for myself.

Why was it holding me back?

-I was not able to gain strength anymore in the shoulder and it literally caused me pain every workout with snatch, overhead squats, handstand anything, etc… (This has drastically changed and is better now!)

You get the point! I kept asking why and not only addressed the reasons why but have surpassed some things I thought I could. Hell! I even set a new lifetime 1 mile run PR of 5:23!!! I really dislike running if you didn’t know already lol. This is just one of quite a few lifetime PR’s Ive recently accomplished.

You see the conversations you have with yourself will either help you move forward and grow or they will hold you back from what you’re capable of accomplishing for yourself. Only you know what your own thoughts are and if they are really helping or hurting. But if they are not helping you move in the right direction, next time simply start asking “WHY?”

See you at the top!

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